新品新品カテゴリー車バイク自転車車パーツブランドホンダ商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり配送料の負担着払い購入者負担配送の方法クロネコヤマト発送元の地域熊本県発送までの日数日で発送メー 販売業者は従業員に品質改善の提案をするよう奨励し、全従業員の品質管理への参加の熱意を刺激し、良好な企業文化を形成し、製品全体の品質を向上させる必要があります。
Thank you for looking at our products from among the many available.
There are stains, scratches, scrapes, and scratches.
One mounting tab is missing. Please repair as necessary.
☆It is in a condition that can be 新品 as is, but since it is a 新品 part, subjective opinions may vary. If you are concerned about scratches, please clean and repair as necessary before use.
■ Please check yourself and take responsibility for installing the product on other models or grades.
It is not guaranteed that the product can be installed as is, so please make your own judgment based on the shop and the shape before bidding.
(In some cases, processing may be required.)
Notes: All accessories are shown in the image. Everything in the photo is included.
Color No.NH731P Crystal Black P
It is difficult to grasp all missing parts, so please consider that you need to prepare them separately as necessary.Consumables such as sockets, bolts, nuts, etc. are not generally included
スカイライン400R純正ホイール【不可】ビーコム6x ワイヤーマイク・スピーカー セット三菱ふそうスーパーグレート左バックミラーワイパー・熱線・リモコンタイプですブリヂストン 165/70R14【4本セット価格】新年セール 車載用モニター DVDプレイヤー11.6インチ後部座席モニター 2台